The Army ROTC program offers a full, four year curriculum.  Each semester, cadets attend an academic class, a “lab” that lets them apply what they learned in class, and can attend up to three sessions of physical training (PT) a week.

Cadets who intend to commission will also attend Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, usually during the summer following their junior year.

You can join the ROTC program as a freshman, a sophomore, or even later.  To see the classes you’ll be taking, select the tab below that matches your class.  And feel free to contact us to find out exactly how the Army ROTC program works with your schedule.

Select the year you'll be entering the program:

On the traditional four year track, you’ll take 31 credits and attend a month-long camp at Fort Knox, usually after your junior year.  To learn more about each class, check the CSU catalog.  To learn more about the camp, visit the Cadet Summer Training website.

If you start the ROTC program as a sophomore, you’ll take two extra credits your first two semesters in the program.  Overall, you’ll take 29 credits and attend Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, usually during the summer after your junior year.  To learn more about the classes, see the university’s catalog.  To learn about summer training opportunities, check out Cadet Summer Training.

If you start the ROTC program as a junior, you will attend Basic Camp tand Advanced Camp during the summers – learn about the summer training opportunities at the Army ROTC website.

You’ll take 19 credits of military science classes – read their description in the university’s catalog.

You can start the Army ROTC program as an undergraduate senior, or as a grad student.  Contact the recruiting officer to find out more about your opportunities – the diagram below is just an example of how the curriculum can work for you.

To learn about the university classes, check the catalog.  To explore summer training for cadets, read the Cadet Command website.

Labs and Classes in the ROTC Curriculum

Military Science classes are held twice a week. They start with a general orientation to military structure and codes of conduct in your first two years, and progress to training in military tactics and battle scenarios in your junior and senior years.

Leadership labs
Leadership labs (Group Study) support the curriculum taught in the classes. Conducted once a week, they are an orientation to much of what a student needs to know to be successful in the Army. The training consists of land navigation, basic rappelling, movement and maneuver, and intelligence, to name a few of the skills taught.

ROTC cadets take military science classes each semester as well as participate in on- and off-campus activities. Learn more about CSU Army ROTC Activities & Training, and Clubs & Extracurriculars.

Basic Course

The Basic Course consists of classes and labs, and is usually taken during the first two years of college.  During these years there is no military obligation on the part of the student.  Basic classes cover subjects such as leadership development, military history, the soldier’s creed and the warrior’s ethos, and the customs and traditions of Army service.

Advanced Course

Students who demonstrate the potential to become officers and meet the physical and scholastic standards are eligible to enroll in the Advanced Course in the third and fourth years of college. They receive training in management, tactics, ethics, and develop leadership skills. The Advanced Course is taken during summer between junior and senior year.

The Four Year Program

The Four Year Program consists of the Basic Course and the Advanced Course.  Military Science classes can be taken as general elective credits or to earn a Minor in Military Science. Consult the CSU course catalog for more information about Military Science classes and to learn more about the minor.

The Two Year Program

The two year program is an option for students who did not take Basic ROTC courses in their freshman and sophomore years. The student will participate in four weeks of basic leadership instruction during the summer before their junior year.  Students are paid to attend the training and also have the opportunity to compete for two year scholarships. After successful completion of the training, students who meet all the requirements can enroll in the Advanced Course.